In the last year, a sewing plan has proven its worth. Therefore, I have created one again for this year. In doing so, I actually managed to pair only fabrics from my fabric stash with the patterns. In fact, my list has gotten so long now that I probably have enough to do for 2023 too! 😅
Im alten Jahr hat sich ein Nähplan bewährt. Deshalb habe ich für dieses Jahr wieder einen erstellt. Dabei habe ich es tatsächlich geschafft, nur Stoffe aus meinem Stofflager mit den Schnittmustern zu paaren. Tatsächlich ist meine Liste jetzt so lang geworden, dass ich wahrscheinlich auch für 2023 genug zu tun habe! 😅
Just in time for Easter I got my tweed jacket ready. I took my time with it because I wanted it to be extra special, inside and out! It consists of two differently patterned tweed fabrics. Ideal for the spring.
The first sunny and warm days of spring have reignited my desire to sew. I went through my pattern magazines and of course found way too many patterns that I want to sew. But what of them do I really need?
There must be a sewing plan!