Meine Nähpläne 2024/25:

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Me Made Mittwoch

English Version

#memademittwoch with wrap dress 'Annalise' from La Maison Victor 2/2019
English Version · 09. Juni 2023
For the summer, I made myself an airy wrap dress based on the pattern 'Annalise' from La Maison Victor 2/2019. I'm finally taking part in #memademittwoch again today with it.

A dress from Balmain? - My wardrobe check for Fashion Revolution Week 2023
English Version · 26. April 2023
This year, I'm using Fashionrevolutionweek for my regular annual review of my consumer behaviour in clothing and fabrics in 2022. What did I buy, borrow, how often did I wear it? What did I repair so that I could wear it longer? And what had to or was allowed to go?

Spring wardrobe is ready! - On my sewing plan 2022
English Version · 08. April 2022
In the last year, a sewing plan has proven its worth. Therefore, I have created one again for this year. In doing so, I actually managed to pair only fabrics from my fabric stash with the patterns. In fact, my list has gotten so long now that I probably have enough to do for 2023 too! 😅

Sustainability review 2021 - How green is my closet today?
English Version · 27. Februar 2022
I took a huge step towards a green closet in 2021! Bought little, sewed a lot from the to-sew list and did fabric reduction.

Splashy, juicy, creative - My homemade cutting table in my favorite color orange
English Version · 18. Dezember 2021
This is my new homemade two-in-one cutting table in my favorite color orange. I'll tell you all about the benefits it brings to my sewing studio and how the bright color inspires me in my blog article.

Herringbone meets houndstooth - My new tweed jacket for the cooler spring days
English Version · 02. April 2021
Just in time for Easter I got my tweed jacket ready. I took my time with it because I wanted it to be extra special, inside and out! It consists of two differently patterned tweed fabrics. Ideal for the spring.

Spring is calling - My sewing plans for 2021 (en)
English Version · 26. Februar 2021
The first sunny and warm days of spring have reignited my desire to sew. I went through my pattern magazines and of course found way too many patterns that I want to sew. But what of them do I really need? There must be a sewing plan!

Make, Do and Mend! (en)
English Version · 26. Januar 2021
Even after this very special and challenging year 2020 for all of us, I would like to draw a sustainability review for my consumption behavior in fabrics and clothing. How green is my closet?

Buy less, choose well, make it last!  (en)
English Version · 19. Januar 2020
Not a year for the garbage can? How sustainable was my consumer behavior in terms of fashion actually in 2019! What can I do even better?

#fashionrevolutionday with top "Berlin" from La Maison Victor (en)
English Version · 25. April 2016
#fashionrevolutionday with Top "Berlin" from La Maison Victor